
1. Be respectful to players and staff. Harassment, bullying, or discriminatory behavior is not allowed.

2. Griefing is not allowed. Griefing comprises many different ways of disrupting other players' builds. Some of the most common types of grief are:
- vandalizing or destroying another player's build
- claiming land adjacent to another player's claim in order to prevent them from completing their build
- devaluing land by placing nuissance blocks, walls, lava, water, etc
- destroying the natural terrain in the immediate vicinity of another player's claim
- placing structures, including aesthetically pleasing structures, in the immediate vicinity of another player's claim specifically intented to annoy that player

3. Do not advertise in the SMP. Advertisements are allowed in our Discord advertisements channel, where you may advertise content that you created (like your YT channel).

4. Don't share personal information about others. This also includes posting direct messages without the other person's consent.

5. Swearing is allowed but keep it to a minimum. Excessive swearing is prohibited.

6. Do not cause excessive lag. Place a switch on redstone devices so they can be turned off when you are not using them.

7. Don't spam the chat. This includes excessive /tp requests.

8. In-real-life threats are not allowed. This includes any type of comment that is intended to harm or intimidate another player.

9. Don't hack. Any modification that gives you an unfair advantage is prohibited.

10. No inappropriate skins, names, or builds. Keep our server clean of any not-safe-for-work or inappropriate content.

11. Do not use AFK devices.

12. Staff will make judgement calls on anything that is unfair, disrespectful, or otherwise not in line with community standards.

13. Bypassing punishments will result in doubling the original punishment.

14. Killing and item stealing ARE allowed. However, excessive killing may cross the line into harassment, in which case staff will take action.